RahuNAS has been started in the campus, it's simply written to solve the scaling problem of an existing captive portal solution. It's fast and reliable which we are using the "ipset" as a work horse.
The campus, Khonkaen University, Thailand, turn on the first RahuNAS server and serves for serveral networks. It's not bad for in-house solution development.
On Sunday 27, a session in Debian MiniDebConf 2009, Taiwan. Talked about the project and future development plan.
Some north-eastern of Thailand secondary schools have started using RahuNAS. Their feedbacks make the developer team happy, the new captive portal solution is less error, more stable and faster than ever.
Critical, major and minor bugs have been massively fixed in this year. The development is becoming active.
Happy Hacking!
Work in progress, Re-architecture as necessary.